Saturday, March 19, 2011

Divorce. Also known as "Rewarding your wife for her unfaithfulness".

Statistics indicate that around 70% of divorces are initiated by women.  That's a pretty lopsided figure, especially when you consider that these days, cheating rates amongst men and women are about the same - and may even be a bit higher for women. 

If you have more than two brain cells to rub together, you can probably figure out why this is.  It seems that the court system didn't get the memo from the modern feminist movement, which insists that men and women are equal, that girls can do anything guys can do, and that women don't need men to take care of them.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for equal treatment and equal opportunity.  I just think that should extend to the divorce as well.

Let's not beat around the bush.  If you are a woman and you find out your husband is a lying, cheating bastard, you have a great deal of leverage.  He had better damn well stop his behavior and stop it NOW, or you will take his house, take his kids, and take half his paycheck for the rest of his life.  If, on the other hand, you are a man and find out your wife is a conniving cheater.... well, I guess you can tell her that if she doesn't stop NOW, by golly you'll give her the house, the kids, and half your paycheck for the rest of her life.  You see, in most states the court system does not consider the reason for a divorce.  Your wife could cheat on you with eight different men and all but try to murder you, and she would still get favorable treatment in terms of alimony, child custody, and so on.  The fact of the matter is simply this:  IF YOU DIVORCE YOUR CHEATING WIFE, THE COURTS WILL REWARD HER HANDSOMELY. 

Every time I caught my wife back in the affair or in another lie, I would ask myself what the heck I was doing staying in my joke of a marriage.  And then the answer would come back to me in a flash:  "You're here because you don't want to live in a one-bedroom apartment, see your kids every other weekend, and watch your wife and her boyfriend travel to Vegas every month with the alimony money".

Anyone else going through this same problem?  Until the court system gets out of the 1950's, I expect that women will continue to trample all over their men at will.


Blogger Betrayedstayathomemom said...

I agree with you! This is total bullshit! I don't know if it makes you feel any better, but some woman stay in the marriage for the exact same reasons - so that they can keep their kids in a house, in the same schools, etc. Many husbands who cheat have a big ego to stroke and with that comes a very nasty side to them. I know in my heart that if I were to divorce my husband things would get incredibly nasty. Even though he is the one who betrayed our marriage, he would not want me to go easily. Today I do all I can to save money and keep the ship steady. In case things do not work out in a few years, at least I'll have something to fall back on. Good luck my freind. Hope you keep writing. I see its been a while. My email:

December 31, 2011 at 5:16 AM  

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